Major Donor

Major Donor
Major donors have one thing in common with regular donors—they don’t grow on trees or often walk into your building asking to drop off a check. They’re hard to find, and even harder to keep.
That’s why having a strong major donor strategy is so important.
The truth is, almost anybody can make a proposal to give to a major donor that asks for their leadership gift.
But creating a major donor campaign that’s successful, makes the best impact, and makes major donors excited to give takes finesse, creativity, and strategy.
Fortunately for you, Oneicity has all three.
Oneicity knows the most effective major donor strategy isn’t even a major donor proposal. That’s just a one-time letter you send asking for money.
Instead, Oneicity develops a custom, long-term major donor strategy. The prime focus is creating a sense of partnership with the donor. We work with your development officers to build a campaign that nurtures your relationship with your key donors all year long, and then at the right time presents them with an opportunity that they’re excited to give to and feels right.
From soft touches to specific versioning of appeals, we create messaging for your major donors that is comprehensive, and most importantly, effective even outside of a proposal.
In fact, Oneicity clients have seen consistent increases year over year in giving from major donors!
Click here or email to see how a custom major donor series can increase your revenue.
Oneicity provides proven strategies with accountability to deliver income. We focus on donor relationships first. Great fundraising results come from strong relationships — not treating donors like ATM machines.
How we fundraise
Full-service fundraising
Full-service fundraising
Small missions fundraising
Small missions fundraising
Digital fundraising
Digital fundraising
Direct mail fundraising
Direct mail fundraising
New donor acquisition
New donor acquisition
Online Donor Acquisition
Online Donor Acquisition
Consulting and Coaching
Consulting and Coaching
Getting the Story Right
Getting the Story Right
Fill in the
Fill in the blank:____
How we fundraise
Full-service fundraising
Full-service fundraising
Small missions fundraising
Small missions fundraising
Digital fundraising
Digital fundraising
Direct mail fundraising
Direct mail fundraising
New donor acquisition
New donor acquisition
Online Donor Acquisition
Online Donor Acquisition
Consulting and Coaching
Consulting and Coaching
Getting the Story Right
Getting the Story Right
Fill in the
Fill in the blank:____

We believe you should have fundraising and marketing you are proud of. And that you can afford. Oh, and that delivers the results you need. (You really can have all 3). We deliver direct mail, websites, email, new donor acquisition, major donor cultivation, digital ad strategies, coaching and consulting. Our clients enjoy growth that beats national averages. If it sounds interesting, click that orange button, and let’s talk about it.