1 day to go!

Can you tell we are excited about this?

The kick-off of the Socialicity Series is about much more than just a monthly free webinar.

Socialicity is about taking the Oneicity philosophy It’s all about relationships® and applying our knowledge, strategy, and neato social media tools to equip nonprofits to genuinely connect with their supporters and donors on Facebook, Twitter, and Blogs.

All fundraising is grounded in relationships but social media has taken this concept to a whole new level.

It has shortened the distance between a homeless woman and the donor that supports her.

It puts your stories of children in need into a 140 character update.

And it allows new people to find out about the great impact your organization is making in a way that traditional fundraising could only dream about.

Done well, social media can allow you to showcase your nonprofit as a dynamic, change-driven cause. But what content to use? How often? How do you know it’s working? And even more importantly, how much time do you need to spend to do it well? (You have plenty of extra time of your plate, right?)

Buckle your seat belt and stay-tuned. Socialicity is on its way!

We still have a handful of seats left for this week’s Socialicity Series on creating Social Loops. This Thursday, August 4th at 11:00am. Sign up below to join us!

Please note: If you signed up and didn’t receive your registration information via email, please contact me or refill out the form below.

And if you can’t make it this week, don’t sweat it! We will give you advance notice for next month’s webinar. Feel free to leave us a comment if there are any topics you would like us to include in our upcoming sessions. We’d love to hear from you.

Lindsey Lind
Social Media Director, Oneicity

Picture of Lindsey Lind

Lindsey Lind

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